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What We Do

We are Carbon Titans. A climate change organization unlike any other. We are planting Earth's tallest, biggest, fastest growing, and longest living trees, the redwoods, to halt and reverse global temperature and sea level rise.

Plant a redwood 


Our mission is to halt and reverse climate change through redwood afforestation.

Together, we can return Earth's redwood forests to their full, native ranges across North America, Europe, and beyond, creating a living legacy for thousands of years to come.


With so many climate change organizations to choose from these days, it is difficult to differentiate between them. What makes Carbon Titans different than all others is the accountability and the impact potential of our work.

No other organization does all the things we do:

  • Plants new redwood forests
  • Provides the location of each tree planted
  • Monitors and replants trees as needed
  • Provides yearly reporting on each individual tree
  • Grants site access to members
Plant a redwood 


Our vision is to plant redwood forests in every climate zone capable of supporting their growth, not just across North America, but Europe, South America, Africa, and Oceania: a world reforested in redwoods.


Carbon Titans was created to tackle climate change on a scale that no other organization was offering. Faced with the undeniable evidence of a changing climate, we recognized that humanity faces a colossal problem that requires a colossal solution. Carbon Titans looked for the most practical, realistic, readily available, and scalable solution for sequestering excess carbon. We found only one. The redwoods.

We believe that redwoods are the best option for fighting climate change through carbon sequestering. No other tree species grows taller, bigger, faster, or lives longer than the redwoods. Because of this, redwoods can help halt and reverse climate change on a scale that no other tree, and no other technology can, today.


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